University of Maine Herbaria (University of Maine-MAINE)

The University of Maine Herbaria are organized, identified collections of authentic specimens of primarily Maine plants and fungi.
Contacts: Jose Eduardo Meireles,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 29 January 2018
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: University of Maine
Access Rights:
University of Maine
Winslow Hall 2
67 Munson Road
Orono, Maine   04469
United States of America
Collection Statistics
  • 47,983 specimen records
  • 33,771 (70%) georeferenced
  • 41,043 (86%) with images (42,541 total images)
  • 42,483 (89%) identified to species
  • 158 families
  • 665 genera
  • 1,619 species
  • 1,912 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Agrostis (231)
  • Alopecurus (52)
  • Ammophila (25)
  • Andropogon (19)
  • Anthoxanthum (79)
  • Apera (1)
  • Aristida (23)
  • Arrhenatherum (19)
  • Avena (10)
  • Brachyelytrum (34)
  • Briza (3)
  • Bromus (120)
  • Calamagrostis (121)
  • Cenchrus (1)
  • Chloris (1)
  • Cinna (54)
  • Cynosurus (1)
  • Dactylis (20)
  • Danthonia (62)
  • Deschampsia (92)
  • Dichanthelium (224)
  • Digitaria (47)
  • Distichlis (5)
  • Echinochloa (49)
  • Eleusine (2)
  • Elymus (135)
  • Eragrostis (57)
  • Festuca (140)
  • Glyceria (303)
  • Graphephorum (20)
  • Holcus (14)
  • Hordeum (38)
  • Lagurus (1)
  • Leersia (38)
  • Lolium (9)
  • Miscanthus (2)
  • Molinia (3)
  • Muhlenbergia (159)
  • Oryzopsis (40)
  • Panicum (23)
  • Phalaris (47)
  • Phleum (33)
  • Phragmites (2)
  • Piptatherum (21)
  • Poa (222)
  • Polypogon (1)
  • Puccinellia (42)
  • Schedonorus (45)
  • Schizachne (24)
  • Schizachyrium (27)
  • Secale (7)
  • Setaria (57)
  • Sorghastrum (8)
  • Spartina (117)
  • Sphenopholis (15)
  • Sporobolus (21)
  • Torreyochloa (24)
  • Trisetum (25)
  • Triticum (6)
  • Vahlodea (1)
  • Ventenata (1)
  • Zizania (42)
Use of any specimen data and related material (e.g., images, species checklists, etc.) accessed through this portal requires agreement to the terms and conditions in the CNH data usage policy.