Collection Profile for: The Gray Herbarium (Harvard University Herbaria) (Harvard University-GH)
The Gray Herbarium contains nearly 2,000,000 specimens and is worldwide in scope. Particular strengths lie in collections from all of North America, including Mexico and the West Indies. The collection contains holotypes, syntypes, Asa Gray photo and isotypes of species described by staff members such as Gray, Watson, Fernald, Johnston, Robinson, Smith, Weatherby, Rollins, and Tryon. Exchange between Gray and J. D. Hooker, the De Candolles and others resulted in the deposition in the Gray Herbarium of isotypes or syntypes of taxa from around the world described by Gray\'s European contemporaries. Many early or important individual collections are deposited in the Gray Herbarium. In recent years the New World representation in the Herbaria has grown through staff collections