The College of New Jersey Herbarium Specimen Observations (The College of New Jersey-TCNJ:Observations)

Contacts: Wendy Clement,
Collection Type: Observations
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: b75a80a6-2a4e-4d31-8a89-da52d6a3d9e9
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: The College of New Jersey
Access Rights:
The College of New Jersey
2000 Pennington Road
Ewing, New Jersey   08628-0718
United States of America
Collection Statistics
  • 0 specimen records
  • 0 georeferenced
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Use of any specimen data and related material (e.g., images, species checklists, etc.) accessed through this portal requires agreement to the terms and conditions in the CNH data usage policy.