Field | Value |
occid | 563933 |
collid | 32 |
dbpk | 6b0bc0d8-2ada-4949-9ac9-e77bcabaf9a7 |
basisOfRecord | PreservedSpecimen |
occurrenceID | |
catalogNumber | barcode-00283769 |
institutionCode | Harvard University |
collectionCode | NEBC |
family | Lythraceae |
scientificName | Trapa natans Linnaeus |
sciname | Trapa natans |
tidinterpreted | 833734 |
scientificNameAuthorship | Linnaeus |
recordedBy | E. S. Hoar |
eventDate | 1879-08-29 |
year | 1879 |
month | 8 |
day | 29 |
startDayOfYear | 241 |
habitat | Floating in 4 ft. of water |
reproductiveCondition | NotDetermined |
country | United States of America |
stateProvince | Massachusetts |
county | Middlesex |
municipality | Concord |
locality | The Holt, Concord River |
decimalLatitude | 42.46197 |
decimalLongitude | -71.36386 |
geodeticDatum | WGS84 |
coordinateUncertaintyInMeters | 6146 |
georeferenceSources | Community Boundaries (Towns) from Survey Points (Polygons) vector digital data (TOWNSSURVEY_POLY.shp,, 2012-11-05; MassGIS, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. |
georeferenceRemarks | Coordinates are for the centroid of the town polygon. The uncertainty is the largest possible distance between the centroid and the polygon edge. |
modified | 2010-08-16 16:31:07 |
dateEntered | 2010-08-16 16:31:07 |
dateLastModified | 2017-06-01 20:20:24 |
dateDeleted | Fri, 29 Jun 2018 10:25:42 -0700 by General |